Saturday, December 5, 2015

Life Moves

I recently made the decision to quit one of my jobs. It's interesting how perspectives and priorities change as you grow older. I've always been a bit of a people pleaser, so my 20's were filled with trying to do things for everyone else and sacrificing my own needs for those of others. At 25 I had a quarter life crisis. I was freaking out because I wasn't in the place I wanted to be. Then at 31 all of that changed. I had started to form the life I wanted and with that came new decisions and responsibilities. I started moving away from doing things for other people to doing things for myself. While it sounds simple, for me it was anything but. 

Over the past 4 years I became very close with boss. It was just the two of us and we worked so close together that it was inevitable. She helped me grow into the person I am. In addition to teaching me life lessons, she's guided me through some of the highs and lows of my life. How do you tell your best friend, you're sister, that you can no longer help her with her dream business?! It was one of the hardest conversations I've ever had. And ya know what, she totally understood! I can't get over what an amazing person she is (which is something anyone close to her would attest to). 2016 will be a brand new adventure for me. It'll be the first time in almost 15 years that I'll only have 1 job, which will give me time to focus on something I should have been focusing on all along... me. 

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